Growing Foundry Coke Usage – The Result of Increased Automobile Demand

Since the industrial revolution started in the 1800s, humans have built numerous industrial establishments for the manufacturing and processing of various items. The industrial sector that has seen an increased boost since the beginning is the automobile and fuel industry. Both these industries have been constantly growing and expanding but their success heavily relies on good quality Metallurgical coke extracted from the metallurgical reactions in the metallurgical industries. Therefore, this industry must procure the best quality of raw materials for the efficient and pure extraction of metal substances. With the heavy demand for automobiles by the people across the globe, there has been a rapid boost in the production and procurement of an important component for iron and steel extraction.

This important component is known as foundry coke, which is also known as hard coal. Now, what are the reasons for metallurgical industries to use this type of coke? Well, let us tell you the reason. Foundry coke is heavily used in the extraction of iron and other metals such as zinc, copper, lead, and more. With its high ash and compact structure, along with the high heat value and high carbon, foundry coke can increase the metal’s temperature, decrease its reaction with carbon dioxide and reduce the risk of breakage during handling in the blast furnace. Since the iron and steel used by different industrial sectors need a certain carbon content in the metal sheet, foundry coke helps to maintain that percentage in the metal. As this component is so crucial for such a large variety of industrial sectors, these industries must procure the materials from a trusted and reputed manufacturer and supplier such as JH CARBON.

JH CARBON is one of the leading manufacturers of the highest quality of foundry coke since 2014. Established by an engineer who has been passionate about producing carbon anodes since 1993, the company has built a remarkable reputation amongst its clients across the globe. Apart from foundry coke, the company also manufactures and supplies other coal and graphite products which include carbon anodes, graphitized petroleum coke, calcined anthracite coke, and more. Check out the whole range of best in class coal products on their website. To manufacture these products, the company uses only the best quality of ores and metallurgical processes.


JH CARBON is a leading manufacturer and supplier of foundry coke used in steel casting and other applications.

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